Slawomir Barcz

Slawomir Barcz

I come from Poland. I’m educated as a Master Engineer in Electronics, but my true passion is with brand and graphic design. It is a passion that has lead me to areas such as graphic design, brand engineering, brand and corporate identity, advertising and packaging, and I have worked in this field since 1995. Today I can confidently say I have some excellent experience within the field, although I am still always learning new things. I love what I do and am always improving my skills; wherever I am and wherever I am working on, by adjusting myself to the needs of the market.

Digital Art & Design, Brands, Branding, Graphics Design, 3d modeleing and rendering, Corporate & Brand Identity, Advertising and Packaging. It is my passion and my job. I have worked and still do, for everything from international corporations (Frito Lay, Nestle, Danone, SAB, Polish Telecom, Garmin, Sony) & large advertising agencies (DDB, Brand Nature Accress), through to smaller companies & brands for individual clients.

More about me and my passion you can see in my behance portfolio
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